Exosky (Pty) Ltd

Exosky (Pty) Ltd


What do we offer




Services and scope of work:

Exosky offers a diverse range of products and services, including but not limited to:

Supply of consumables,

  • stationery,
  • cleaning materials,
  • office equipment,
  • tools,

PPE, and school uniforms.

Professional graphic design services to enhance branding and visual communication.

  • Website Hosting

• Domain registration & Email

• Logo & Letter head

• Business card

Construction maintenance services to ensure the longevity and functionality of buildings and facilities.

  • Property renovations,
  • refurbishing and
  • maintenance
  • Plumbing installations and
  • maintenance Parks and Highway grass cutting contractors.

Exosky Fashion & Boutique:

Exosky Fashion & Boutique

Exosky Fashion & Boutique

T shirt Printing Business

Price list Cataloge, here are the prices

Thabo Jacob Keele
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