Exosky (Pty) Ltd

Exosky (Pty) Ltd


Directors & Management

Expert Team

Leadership Profiles: Introduces each director and key management member, providing background information, expertise, and their role within the company.

Mr. Thabo Jacob Keele (CEO): Oversees the overall operations of the company, sets strategic direction, and ensures alignment with company goals and objectives.

Mrs. Grace Motebang (CFO): Manages financial operations, budgeting, and forecasting to ensure financial health and sustainability.

Mr. Glad Keele (Customer Liaison Officer): Serves as the primary point of contact for customers, addressing inquiries, resolving issues, and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Ms. Mapholoana Keele (Marketing & Sales Officer): Develops and implements marketing strategies to promote Exosky's products and services, and enhance brand visibility and reputation.

Thabo Jacob Keele
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