Exosky (Pty) Ltd

Exosky (Pty) Ltd


Contact page

Our contacts details

1. Kindly use our Embeded contact form directly on this page and input Your name, email address, subject, and message.

2. Contact Information:

Included is our company's physical address, phone number, and email address. This helps visitors know how to reach us through different channels.

Head Office

5717 Extension 11





🖱 [email protected]

🌐 www.exosky.co.za

3. Operating Hours:

Provided here is our business hours or the times when we are available to respond to inquiries.

Monday : 8:00 - 16:00

Tuesday: 8:00 - 16:00

Wednesday : 8:00 - 16:00

Thursday : 8:00 - 16:00

Friday: 8:00 - 15:00

Saturday and Sunday : Closed only by appointments

4. Social Media Links:

Links to our social media profiles so visitors can connect with us on platforms they prefer.


5. FAQ Section:

6. Map:

Kindly use our physical location, embed as a map to help visitors find us easily.

7. Response Time:

Our Set expectations turns around will be quickly with in 48 Hrs, visitors can expect a response to their inquiries.

8. Privacy Policy:

We Assure visitors that their information will be handled securely by linking to our privacy policy.

Contact us by Email
Thabo Jacob Keele
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